Educational Science Faculty

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Founded in 1967, the Bordeaux Educational Science Faculty was one of the first three to open in France. It trains students in the basic references in the scientific and professional fields of education and training.

The Educational Science curriculum teaches students to:

  • acquire historical, academic and educational culture in school and non-school fields
  • understand the issues relating to education, training and integration, regarding a wide range of audiences (children, teenagers, adults, etc.) and multiple educational contexts
  • become aware of the inequality of access and success in education and training
  • use investigative/survey methodologies in education and training, for research and/or professional purposes
  • be skilled in the tools essential for study, communication and professional practice in the fields of education and training, such as computer and internet skills (C2i level 1) and language tools in French (development of oral and written skills) and in English (speaking/writing, scientific English).

Two research laboratories are associated with the Faculty: 

  • CeDS (Cultures et Diffusions des Savoirs
  • LACES (Laboratory of Cultures Education Societies)


  • Educational Science Faculty

    3 ter place de la Victoire
    33076 Bordeaux CEDEX

    +33 (0)5 57 57 30 52 / +33 (0)5 05 57 18 12

Visit the website (in French)


  • Marthe-Aline Jutand


Localisation associée :

3 ter place de la Victoire
33076 Bordeaux CEDEX