Une © université de Bordeaux

Tomorrow’s success...
starts today

Join us Your talents fuel our vision

Joining the University of Bordeaux means integrating one of France’s leading universities. It means working in a privileged environment, in a diverse and socially-committed community. It means rising to the scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century.

News In the spotlight

  • [10 years] Our ever-evolving study offer

    Since its creation in 2014, the University of Bordeaux has been committed to ensuring the progress and success of its students on a daily basis. All...

  • 15 new interdisciplinary and exploratory research projects

    At the beginning of the year, the University of Bordeaux launched the 2nd edition of its call for projects aimed at stimulating interdisciplinary...

  • "Strengthening and developing our international partnerships"

    Until October 10th 2024, a University of Bordeaux delegation is carrying out an official visit to Japan, where the institution boasts a number of...

  • European funding to understand human cultural evolution and to make bones talk

    The European Research Council recently announced the list of ERC Starting Grant laureates. Awarded to young researchers for a period of 5 years, ERC...

Portraits Our faces, Our voices

  • María Ángeles Medina Alcaide at the Prehistory to Present Time: Culture, Environment, Anthropology laboratory

    María Ángeles Medina Alcaide is currently a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Prehistory to Present Time: Culture, Environment, Anthropology (PACEA) laboratory of the University of Bordeaux.

  • Janet Hart from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, United States

  • Bordeaux a student city

    An environmentally-friendly, epicurean town that’s both sports- and culture-oriented, with a strong taste for what’s good and beautiful.

  • Share the awesome values of university sports, whether in competition, as part of your degree programme or just for leisure, the experience is sure to be fulfilling!

  • Committed to the social, economic, cultural and environmental balance of its communities, the University of Bordeaux is firmly rooted in its region.

  • Debates, lectures, performances, exhibitions and theme evenings on science-related topics, the University of Bordeaux takes a fresh look at research.

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