Daily life

Feeling good on a daily basis is essential for success. And because being a student is a key period in life, the University of Bordeaux provides a wide range of opportunities to help you live it to the fullest.

Photo : 'Le Mascaret', a university dining hall on the Carreire campus © Arthur Pequin
'Le Mascaret', a university dining hall on the Carreire campus © Arthur Pequin
  • Making your studies a success depends on satisfactory living conditions. The University of Bordeaux has developed a number of services to provide you with individualised support.
  • In case of financial hardship, you can call on the university services and its partners for help based on your situation.

Make your student life easier

  • Education and disability

    Whether you're a student, high-level athlete, artist, elected student representative, disabled or suffering from a long-term illness, a volunteer or an employee... The university provides support to help you make the most of your opportunities and achieve your educational objectives.

  • Health and well-being

    "A healthy mind in a healthy body." Being in good health is crucial for doing well in your studies. The team of professionals at the Student Health Centre provides consultations, answers your questions and organises prevention activities.

  • Social and financial aid

    Rent, utilities, food, books, going out... For many students, even before the question of university enrolment arises, the question of financing their studies is what poses a problem. Solutions are available and social workers are there to help you.

  • Getting around

    All of the University of Bordeaux campuses are easily accessible. Choose the means of transport most suited to your needs, whether active mobility, ride-sharing or public transportion, etc.

  • Food and dining

    There are lots of on-campus possibilities for lunch and even dinner. Solutions for students struggling with food insecurity are also available.

  • Finding accommodation

    Your number one objective after registering is to find accommodation and that can be quite a challenge! Especially in Bordeaux. Here are a few tips to help you in your search.

  • Culture

    The University of Bordeaux is a prime setting for the creation, exchange and dissemination of culture, in line with its fundamental missions of education and research.

  • Digital services

    On campus, at home or even elsewhere in France or abroad, the University of Bordeaux provides a modern and high-performance digital work environment (ENT).

Where to get help

On every campus, admissions offices specific to your programme as well as Student Life Centre (BVE) helpdesks are available.
They centralise and provide a wide range of administrative documents and information, and can direct you to the appropriate university services.

Student guide

The University of Bordeaux provides you with a complete, bilingual student guide to help you get ready for the start of the new academic year and to find out everything you need to know about student life! 

Download our student guide

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