Getting involved at the University of Bordeaux

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Volunteering for a student festival, being in charge of communications for a student association, or even being elected as a student representative… The opportunities to get involved are plentiful at the University of Bordeaux. Surely there's one for you! And you can even make the most of it in your university degree programme.

Photo : Every year, the medical student association 'Asso des Carabins' makes medical care for toddlers at the 'teddy bear hospital' less dramatic © University of Bordeaux
Every year, the medical student association 'Asso des Carabins' makes medical care for toddlers at the 'teddy bear hospital' less dramatic © University of Bordeaux

Involvement in associations

The University of Bordeaux has more than one hundred associations. Most of them are course-based (i.e. law, mathematics, etc.), but some are open to all students (i.e. associations for cultural activities, board games, the environment, etc.).

Involvement in an association can take on many different forms:

  • for a project: logistics support, supervision of part of the project (i.e.: communications) or coordination of the overall project
  • as part of the association's board: for one of the "usual" positions (chairperson, treasurer or secretary) or duties on a themed topic (i.e: partnerships, communications, etc.).

Your involvement can vary from a few hours in all to several hours a week all year round, as the interest of associative involvement lies, above all, in teamwork.

Find an association that suits you!

A dozen new associations are created every year; there is bound to be one that suits you.

Contact your Student Life Centre (BVE) to find out about the associations on your campus. The BVE will also guide you if you want to create a new one of your own or to organise events.

"I learnt how to work as a team, to organise events and gain self-confidence by managing projects."

Pierre, Vice-President in charge of events - Chemistry Association - Bordeaux

Get involved as a student representative

You can also run for student office, defend student rights as well as actively participate in decisions made by the different university boards.

All you have to do is run for office with a list of candidates. Contact the Student Life Centre to learn more about the different lists of candidates as the elections approach.

Learn more about your student representatives

The university supports and recognises your commitment

Recognition of involvement

Involvement Support Plan

Encouraged by the "Equality & Civic Mindedness" law, the university has set up a support plan allowing students who are involved in various ways (volunteers in a student association or non-profit, employees, military in the operational reserve, volunteer firefighters, civic service or volunteer work) to benefit from support (staggered courses, priority for tutorials/practical work groups, etc.) or recognition for their involvement as part of their degree programme

Students who have been involved for at least 1 year or whose involvement ended less than a year ago can request course credit (or partial course credit) as part of their programme.
It may be a cross-disciplinary course (internship, introductory work experience, project management, etc.) or a specialised course (depending on the content of the involvement).
To obtain credit, students must apply (two application sessions per year), then if their application is accepted, they must send a written report to the diploma validation panel in charge of reviewing the application.
Procedures are specific to each programme. 

To learn more, contact your programme's educational team.

Student involvement course

Some programmes have also set up specific courses to allow students to obtain credit for their involvement.
These optional courses contribute to validating the student's diploma in the same way as other specialised or optional courses and allow students to earn bonus points.
For example, Bordeaux IUT awards bonus points to recognise certain types of involvement.

This type of course is generally taken year round. 
Interested students must apply for the course in the first semester, then prove they have completed hours of training during the year (for example, given by the Student Life Centre - BVE) for student associations, or by the host organisation). 
They can also get support from the host organisation by carrying out their commitment.

Contact your BVE to find out if this type of course exist within your programme.

Skills recognition

Whether you participate in the Involvement Support Plan or not, you can also get support from the Career Guidance Centres (EOC) to get credit for the skills developed as part of your involvement, thanks to the Skills and Experience Portfolio (or PEC for Portefeuille Expériences et Compétences).

The PEC is a digital tool that helps you keep track of your career path, in particular to become aware of the strengths drawn from your professional, personal and learning experiences (knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills) and to promote them effectively to a recruiter, especially skills such as the highly-esteemed soft skills.

To learn more, contact the Career Guidance Centres.

Open Badges

Digital easy-to-use Open Badges are a reliable, simple and fun way to to highlight the cross-disciplinary skills you've acquired, in particular during your involvement in student associations and the community.

Learn more


  • BVE - Peixotto-Bordes campus (Talence) / Point of contact

    Stéphanie Danaux
    351 cours de la Libération, Bât. A22
    33405 Talence Cedex

    +33 (0)5 40 00 64 02 / Point of contact: +33 (0)5 40 00 84 84

  • BVE - Montesquieu campus (Pessac) / Helpdesk

    Nicolas Rigoulet
    Avenue Léon Duguit
    33608 Pessac

    +33 (0)5 56 84 62 90

  • BVE - Carreire & Victoire campus (Bordeaux) / Helpdesk

    146 rue Léo-Saignat
    33076 Bordeaux Cedex

    +33 (0)5 57 57 17 79 / Helpdesk: +33 (0)5 57 57 19 56