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ENLIGHT: Building for the long term

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After three years of construction, the ENLIGHT European University Alliance is entering a second phase, with the aim of developing sustainable cooperation across all the activities of the partner universities. Meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, from 21 to 24 November 2023, the launch of this new era was officially recorded, as was the official integration of the new 10th partner, the University of Bern.

Photo : ENLIGHT General Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, november 2023  © X account of University of Uppsala
ENLIGHT General Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, november 2023 © X account of University of Uppsala

In 2024, the ENLIGHT University Alliance will enter a second phase, supported by 4 years of funding from the European Commission.

These four years will enable the 10 member universities to pursue their ambitions for educational transformation and innovation in favour of a greener, healthier, fairer and more sustainable Europe.

2020-2023, a successful pilot phase

With an active community of over 700 people, the ENLIGHT alliance has set up numerous networks - teachers, researchers, students and administrative staff - such as the Mobility Task Force, the Teacher Education Network, the Doctoral Network and the ENLIGHT Student Network. More than 30 training courses, 100 workshops, conferences, webinars, seminars and lectures, with more than 11,300 participants, have mobilised all types of players, including societal partners from cities and regions. Numerous research and training projects have also been funded under seed-funding opportunities.
All types of players were involved, including societal partners from cities and regions. Numerous research and training projects have also been funded under seed-funding opportunities.

2024-2028, a consolidation phase

For its next phase, starting on 1 November 2023, the alliance has chosen to allocate a significant proportion of its funds to academic initiatives, underlining its commitment to supporting researchers and teacher-researchers. This includes the launch of "bottom-up" calls for projects for the creation of interdisciplinary thematic networks and "starter grants" to develop innovative educational formats, preparing our students for a complex world in transition, and developing synergies between research and training, with and for societal partners.

« In this new phase of ENLIGHT, the ambition remains to create an open space where students, teacher-researchers and staff can learn, teach, collaborate, create and innovate. The next few years must open up the opportunities of this alliance, which will be transformative for our university. It's a field phase that's just beginning. »

» Joanne Pagèze, vice-president in charge of internationalisation at the University of Bordeaux

The alliance has also broadened its areas of activity, adding "culture and creativity" to the existing flagship areas of health and well-being, digital transformation, climate change, energy and circularity, and social inequalities. This new area will provide more opportunities and connections for teachers, students and researchers in different disciplines.

The ENLIGHT Alliance is committed to continuing to promote equitable and sustainable living through an impact-driven transformation of higher education, a societal commitment that will be strengthened and extended by an international ENLIGHT strategy in this new phase.

Upcoming ENLIGHT Calls: April 2024

The activities of RISE, the research and innovation component of ENLIGHT, are making a decisive contribution to this approach, where research and education move forward together to build sustainable European cooperation.

Laurent Servant, vice-president for International networks at University of Bordeaux
ENLIGHT General Meeting attendants © X account of the University of Uppsala
ENLIGHT General Meeting attendants © X account of the University of Uppsala