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Updated on: 22/03/2024
For three days, the University of Bordeaux welcomed a delegation from Université Laval (Québec city), an academic partner that stands out by the considerable bonds forged over the last 17 years.
Université Laval website
- Reinforcement of historic links and review of joint achievements - Laval-Bordeaux platform for transnational, international and European studies (LaBoETIE - in French) renewed for 5 years, research and training in photon optics, nutrition (impact of polyphenols on brain health), forestry networks (forest resilience), neurosciences (pain treatment), etc.
- Consideration of possible new partnerships (sports research, support for PhD students in developing their international network, etc.).
- Signing of a Charter for the welcome and inclusion of disabled students in international mobility programmes.
Many of the participants, together with Université Laval Rector Sophie D'Amours, witnessed the many facets and vigour of this unique partnership. Laurent Servant, University of Bordeaux Vice-President for international networks, underlined the strong turnout midway through a very busy programme, which included a visit to the new SMART building, meetings at the university's Legal and Judicial Centre and an invitation from Alain Rousset, President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council, to discuss research and innovation on the occasion of the International Francophonie Day: "it's impressive, such a long-lasting partnership, which covers so many fronts and continues to grow from strength to strength".
The two universities congratulated each other on exchanges characterised by a high level of mutual trust, enabling them to celebrate the progress made together without overlooking their respective weaknesses and areas for improvement. "For partnerships to last," explains Rector Sophie D'Amours, "you have to share common values. This visit reconfirmed that these values are still very present and deep-rooted between our two universities: a certain way of looking at the role of students, of putting people at the centre of our decisions, and a humanist attitude that guides our actions".
During the Université Laval delegation's visit, the Rector, Sophie D'Amours, and the President of the University of Bordeaux, Dean Lewis, signed a Charter for the welcome and inclusion of disabled students in international mobility programmes. With this charter, the two signatory universities commit to dedicating services and staff to welcoming these students, taking into account the particular nature of their disability and meeting their specific needs as closely as possible. "We hope that this charter will encourage students to cross the Atlantic despite their disability, and inspire other universities to follow suit".
Université Laval is located in the historic capital of Québec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Founded in 1663, it was the very first French-language university in North America.
Ranked 1st French-language university worldwide by the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings in 2023, Université Laval is also ranked 2nd best employer in the Québec region by Forbes magazine.
The campus extends over 1.8 km2, 60% of which is covered by green spaces and trees.
It's impressive, such a long-lasting partnership, which covers so many fronts and continues to grow from strength to strength.