An outreaching, extended university

The University of Bordeaux embraces governance and operating modes that strive to break down barriers between fields of study, people, organisations and institutions, and reduce distance in favour of a shared goal. Partnership relations, whether international, national or local, are central to the university's strategy and reflect its openness.

Photo : The small, people-friendly Agen campus provides a reassuring transition into higher education © Gautier Dufau
The small, people-friendly Agen campus provides a reassuring transition into higher education © Gautier Dufau
  • Higher Education and Research partners

    The University of Bordeaux has a policy of academic and scientific cooperation with national research institutes and many higher education and research establishments.

  • Regional cooperation

    The University of Bordeaux is committed to strengthening the higher education, research and innovation community in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region.

  • Socioeconomic partners and networks

    The University of Bordeaux has a long history of working together with businesses in the region. There is a wide range of fruitful joint efforts and partnerships.

  • International partners

    The University of Bordeaux has numerous partner universities worldwide, in nearly 80 countries, and fosters the development of international joint efforts with privileged partners in the fields of education, research and innovation.