Regional cooperation

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The University of Bordeaux is committed to strengthening the higher education community in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region.

Photo : The University of Bordeaux is a driving force in extending the educational offer throughout the region © University of Bordeaux
The University of Bordeaux is a driving force in extending the educational offer throughout the region © University of Bordeaux

With several campus sites already established in the region, the University of Bordeaux is pursuing its initiatives to broaden access to higher education region-wide and is thus involved in a joint coordination initiative of its educational offer with six other institutions of higher education in Nouvelle Aquitaine. 

The regional base is both a guarantee for more accessibility to higher education and a vector for regional socio-economic and cultural vitality.

Olivier Pujolar © Arthur Pequin

The University of Bordeaux has made substantial progress in structuring its partnership relations. Now the task is to consolidate them to coordinate our networks, promote activities and get the community more involved in order to become an extended university.

Olivier Pujolar, Vice-President for partnerships & territoires.

A multi-partner strategy for regional coordination

A regional coordination agreement (CCT) signed in May 2020 by the partner institutions defines the joint policy in an effort to strengthen cohesion between the partners as well as with the other stakeholders (socio-economic partners, local authorities, associations, etc.). The aim is to promote equitable access to higher education by taking into account the geographic, economic, social and cultural issues of each regional area.

This regional coordination agreement is focused on 7 initiatives defined and shared by all the signing parties:

  • Policy of regional and social diversification of students (University of Bordeaux)
  • Regionalisation of the educational offer and strengthening of network cohesion (University of Bordeaux / Bordeaux INP)
  • Monitoring and studies on student paths and courses taken at the regional level (Bordeaux Montaigne University / University of Bordeaux)
  • Development of technical measures and new teaching methods promoting regional network (University of Pau & Pays de l’Adour / La Rochelle University / Bordeaux Montaigne University)
  • Welcome and support of migrant students (Bordeaux Montaigne University)
  • International student mobility (Science Po Bordeaux)
  • Student entrepreneurship (University of Pau & Pays de l’Adour / La Rochelle University / University of Bordeaux).

Stronger digital coordination

In addition to the 7 initiatives covered by the regional coordination agreement (CTT), a digital coordination agreement was signed on 9th February 2021 to enhance the collective, joint development of digital technology in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region.

Information on student paths: strategic challenges for regional partnerships

CT2E, an inter-institutional department coordinating regional studies and surveys, provides:

  • analyses characterising the students enrolled: socio-demographic studies, survey of geographic origins, etc.
  • studies shedding light on student paths from entry into an institution of higher education (intra-regional mobility, future of those dropping out of educational system, etc.) through to joining the workforce (future career upon graduation).

To view other regional studies or theme-based studies from previous years

  • CT2E Department

    +33 (0)5 40 00 30 66

For access to past theme-based reports 2018 & 2015 (Regional agreement scale)

  • Contact