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Updated on: 13/07/2023
In March 2023, the Environmental Contamination and Toxicology and the Marine Environment 2030 Erasmus Mundus Joint Degrees were awarded the EAQAJP label (European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes), thus highlighting their high quality and international profiles.
The EAQAJP accreditation aims to facilitate the external quality assurance of joint programmes, by defining standards that are agreed tools of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and that reflect and mirror the joint character of these programmes, without applying additional national criteria.
For each candidate programme, cooperating institutions must jointly submit a self-evaluation report. Reviewers from various institutions of the EHEA are then selected in order to assess the fulfilment of the EAQAJP standards. Discussed items include:
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Following a very positive evaluation from their respective review panels, the Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (ECT+) and Marine Environment 2030 (MER2030) consortiums are proud to receive this label, in recognition of their continuous efforts to foster high-quality teaching and to promote science, international opportunities and collaborations.
Multidisciplinary and international, ECT+ provides postgraduate training in the fields of ecotoxicology, toxicology and environmental chemistry, with innovative practical components. The programme focuses on understanding interactions between chemical pollution, the contamination of living organisms and ecosystem disturbances. It also specialises in environmental health risk management, in relation to the use and disposal of chemicals in a scenario of global change.
Programme consortium:
- Belgium: University of Liège - France: University of Bordeaux, University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour - Norway: Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Portugal: University of Porto - Spain: University of the Basque Country (coordinator institution)
The MER2030 Master programme provides high quality teaching in general oceanography with a specialisation in Marine Environment (ecology, ecotoxicology, biochemistry, geochemistry, sedimentology, paleo-oceanography) and living or non-living marine resources. The programme prepares students for leadership roles in various marine sectors such as conservation and environmental management, fisheries, non-governmental organisations and all levels of government positions from local to global.
- Belgium: University of Liège - France: University of Bordeaux - Portugal: University of the Azores - Spain: University of the Basque Country (coordinator institution) - UK: University of Southampton